Category Archives: Health & Beauty

Uses of Essential Oils

There are many different ways to use essential oils sensibly in everyday life. Using essential oils is easy. However, internal intake only belongs in the hands of a doctor, alternative practitioner or experienced aromatherapy practitioner.

oTERRA Essential Oil

Essential oils penetrate the body very quickly through the skin. Therefore, external use, for example as a massage oil, is much more sensible. The soles of the feet, forehead, scalp, armpits and palms of the hands are particularly permeable.

Therefore, a particularly effective form of application is massaging the etherische Öle into the sole of the foot. This avoids the passage through the liver and thus the immediate metabolism of the essential oils in the liver. Instead, in their original state, they reach the lower respiratory tract as well as the entire organism via the pulmonary circulation.

Even massaging aggressive, skin-irritating oils such as thyme and oregano oil onto the soles of the feet has proven to be well tolerated and very effective.

Essential oils for massage

During a massage, the essential oils penetrate the skin into the bloodstream. As a result, they act on the organs below. At the same time, your body releases happy endorphins and the feel-good hormone oxytocin. This is why you can quickly achieve mental and physical relaxation through a massage. This leads to an overall improvement in the general condition.

Essential oils for bathing

One of the most beautiful uses of aromatherapy is bathing with essential oils. It is a balm for your soul. Thanks to a large number of essential oils, you can put together your own favourite bath. For example, a warm bath with essential oils is extremely beneficial in the case of an impending cold.

Essential oils for the sauna

After all, the essential oils are particularly suitable for use in the sauna. The rising steam distributes them particularly well in the sauna cabin. They are absorbed through the respiratory tract and also through the skin. For a sauna infusion, you only need 3 to 5 drops of essential oil. But never put the essential oils directly on the hot stones. They would burn. Therefore, always drizzle the oils into the sauna ladle filled with water. Then pour stones onto the sauna together with the water. Less is more here, as the oils develop particularly well in the hot steam.

Get in the Physique You are Dreaming by Joining a Fitness Retreat

Not everyone has the motivation or will to push themselves to start working out and be the best of themselves. But if you want to turn your life around and start getting rid of the excess calories in your body, then going to top fitness retreat that will transform your life and body camp may just be your next best decision.

Crash Course to Exceptional Body!

Fitness boot camps are group exercise programs that concentrate on improving endurance, stamina, fitness as well as weight loss for several weeks. It’s referred to as boot camp due to the training environment it involves. At the same time, participants are constantly challenged and pushed to their limits. The teams of exercisers are training together regularly throughout the class, which might be led by any of the following:

  • Fitness instructor
  • Personal trainer or;
  • Former military instructor

All the Support You need, it’s in Fitness Retreat

There are tons of benefits provided by the team environment in a fitness boot camp. For one, any participant will be interacting with like-minded people who share the same goals too.

What the boot camp will do is to accordingly group people as per their skill level, work with their body figure and experiences, and give all the support they need.

Finding a Boot Camp

While we already know that there are several benefits associated to joining top fitness retreat that will transform your life and body, this doesn’t indicate you can just pick the one you’ve seen at first. Of course, there are still few things needed to be considered.

There are many benefits of a fitness boot camp, but that doesn’t mean you should run out and sign up for the first one you find.

Who will be the Instructor?

As with any other fitness program or exercise class, you have to be certain that you are supported by a certified professional. Inquire about their status of certification and check with that organization they said they are certified.

Preparing for the actual Workout

In boot camps, expect exercise programs to be so dynamic, muscle-based, and aerobic-based. Everyone is going to get all these components. According to experts, participants in a boot camp are likely to burn to as high as 600 calories per hour.

See a Doctor

Before doing any activity such as attending a boot camp, always seek your doctor’s advice first. Any seemingly healthy adult without injuries or major health issues wants to push themselves a bit harder than what they are used to. While it is all good, it doesn’t hurt to get a doctor’s recommendation first.

Boost Testosterone Naturally For Building Muscle

There is no hormone that stands for muscle strength and fitness more than testosterone. The sex hormone has two different effects on the body: on the one hand testosterone stands for muscle building, on the other hand as a hormone for the sexuality of men and women. The rule is: the higher the testosterone level, the better the muscles are built up. But just exercising alone does not increase testosterone levels. You can find out what nutrition has to do with it here.

Testosterone For Building Muscle

The exact effects of testosterone in the body are very chemical and complex. But one of the most important effects for athletes: testosterone controls a factor in the body that is responsible for regulating cell growth in the liver and muscles. The factor is called IGF-1. When IGF-1 levels are high, muscle growth is also high.

Men produce 2.5-11 mg testosterone daily. After puberty, the production of the hormone falls again. Women only produce approximately 0.25 mg per day. For many strength athletes, the falling testosterone level is a reason to stimulate production again or to artificially increase it. You would find some testosterone boosters on the Internet that claim to accelerate muscle building. Before making a purchase, read reviews like testogen reviews. Reviews will help you understand if the product works or not from testimonials of other people.

Boost Testosterone Naturally

1. Increase your unsaturated fats intake.

The hormone is made from cholesterol and unsaturated fatty acids to ensure a good balance of cholesterol in the body. Above all, vegetable fats from avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and nuts stimulate the production of testosterone with healthy fats .

2. Get sufficient vitamins & minerals.

Eating lots of vitamins and minerals is always beneficial for you. But vitamins B & D and zinc are also particularly important for increasing testosterone. The vitamin B is important for the production of enzymes that support the production of testosterone. You can find some B vitamins in fish, dairy products, and green vegetables.

Vitamin D, the sun vitamin, is one of the steroids and participates in cell division, i.e. also in the cell activity of your muscles. Meat, fish, avocados, mushrooms, dairy products and eggs contain vitamin D, but only in small amounts. However, humans can produce vitamin D themselves with the help of sunlight.

The mineral zinc is the most important mineral for the formation of testosterone. If there is a zinc deficiency, the IGF-1 level is very low and this is reflected in the testosterone value. You can find zinc mainly in dairy products, eggs, and beef. Vegetables also increase your zinc value.

3. Eat Regular Meals

Your feeling of hunger has an impact on the stress hormone cortisol . When you are hungry, it puts your body into a kind of stress and cortisol is released. That in turn lowers your testosterone. It is best to start with a balanced breakfast and eat several meals throughout the day. If you need a few new recipes, have a look at my recipes .

4. Avoid stress

Testosterone is responsible for converting calories into energy and building muscle. However, the cortisol ensures that the calories are stored as body fat. So it is the complete counterpart to the muscle hormone ! I know avoiding stress is easy to say, but cardio exercise can lower your stress levels and reduce your cortisol secretion.

5. Get enough sleep

Even with too little sleep or sleep deprivation , the body releases cortisol! When you sleep soundly, on the other hand, testosterone is formed. Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep is best !

6. High training intensities

You’ve probably heard of HIIT by now. If not, check out my article on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) again. The intense training also ensures the production of testosterone. Short, intense training phases increase the production of the muscle hormone. Long and monotonous training sessions do exactly the opposite, as the body begins to get under stress. Your body produces cortisol!

7. Hard Weight Training

Regular, intensive strength training with high weights and few repetitions also leads to an increased release of testosterone. It is best to stick to exercises such as bench press, squats and the like, which challenge many and especially large muscle groups at the same time .

Important! Don’t be disappointed if you don’t notice a change right away – it may take three to six months for your testosterone levels to rise significantly!

To the women among you: You also need testosterone to build muscle ! Don’t worry: since your body only produces little testosterone, you won’t turn into testosterone-laden muscle mountains.

Healthy Adjustable Beds

No matter who you are, how old or young, whether you are feeling healthy or your body is aching, you are single or have a family, useful and best adjustable bed specs of 2021 bring additional comfort in your everyday life. Some things become easier and more convenient, while others give you opportunities that you would never have thought of yourself.

useful and best adjustable bed specs of 2021

Adjustable beds: Relax or work

You might want to read an email or reread your notes for tomorrow’s meeting. Perhaps you would like to see another chapter in your current book. Whatever the reason, it will surely be more comfortable if your back is well supported and you put your feet up. With a height-adjustable bed, this is possible at the push of a button.

Adjustable beds: Make every morning special

The best days are those when you can get a long sleep in the morning. With an adjustable bed, you can turn it into a breakfast bar in just a few seconds.

To do this, simply raise the back section and you no longer have to lean on additional pillows.

Adjustable beds: Lying comfortably during pregnancy

Pregnancy can make you really tired. Sometimes sleeping is almost impossible and getting to or out of bed is very exhausting.

Adjust the leg and back section as is convenient for you to rest, to relax tired legs or a sore back or to get out or in of the bed.

Adjustable beds: Close contact with your child

Whether you are breastfeeding your newborn or cuddling your child comfortably, it has to be comfortable. Day or night, you need to be able to find a position that is comfortable for you and your child alike – sometimes for hours. To do this, simply raise your legs, raise the back of your height-adjustable bed and make the moment as beautiful as possible.

Adjustable beds: No more snoring

One of the easiest ways to stop snoring is to raise your back slightly – a few centimeters are often enough. A quiet, adjustable bed can help you and your partner and you don’t even have to wake the other!

Adjustable beds: Relaxation and recovery after exercise

You know that it is at least as important to relax the body after a hard workout as the exercise itself.

Raise the leg section and thus ensure better recovery of tired legs.

Poor Blood Circulation – The Root Cause of Perennially Weak or Brittle Nails

Having brittle nails is a problem common to many women, which many simply dismiss as naturally occurring for people who need to use soap and water frequently. Not many are aware that perennially weak or brittle nails are also symptoms of poor blood circulation.

Blood should reach every part of the body during circulation, so that every cell and body tissue making up each body part or organ, can receive proper supplies of oxygen and nutrients. During circulation, the capillaries that deliver blood to the cells and tissues also take out toxins, which the kidney will filter and later excrete out of its system.

How Does Poor Blood Circulation Affect the Health of Nails

Poor blood circulation occurs if the blood pumped by the heart cannot flow freely in the arteries, blood vessels and capillaries that reach the cells and tissues. The likeliest areas that will immediately be affected are those located in the body’s extremities — the arms, hands, legs and feet where the nails are located. If these areas lack oxygen and nutrients, the first signs of a serious circulation problem will be manifested by way of unhealthy nails.

Risk Factors that Can Aggravate the Condition of Weak Nails

There are several risk factors that can aggravate the weak condition of unhealthy nails, such as, but not limited to the following:

Nail Stress or Trauma, which is usually related to one’s occupation or hobby, where hands-on activities apply constant bumps, pressure and/or compression on the nails. If the cells of the nails cannot repair and generate new cells fast enough, they become weak and brittle.

Overwashing– This risk factor constantly exposes the nails to washing liquids or detergents and at the same time soaking the nails with too much water. The chemical components of the detergents and dishwashing liquid, as well as the excessive water, will strip the nails of natural oil and cause them to turn brittle.

Constant Application of Nail Polish and Acetone-Based Removers – Constantly covering one’s nails with nail polish and applying acetone-based solutions to remove them can rapidly weaken nails, especially if there is poor blood circulation. As opposed to overwashing, nail polish and polish removers reduce hydration, which lead to dry conditions.

While regular application of moisturizing creams can help alleviate dry and weak conditions of the nails, improving one’s blood circulation can bring better and longer lasting effects in improving nail health.

Increasing the Body’s Nitric Oxide Production to Improve Blood Circulation

Nitric oxide production is part of the natural processes occurring during metabolism or the breaking down of food into useful nutrients like nitrate. However for nitrates to be useful in the production of nitric oxide, it must come from plants and not from synthetically formulated additives like sodium nitrates that occur in processed meats. As additional source, there are nitric oxide supplements that contain combinations of nitrates extracted from nitrate-rich organic raw materials.

The importance of the natural nitric oxide produced by the body is that they act as muscle relaxants specifically for the inner muscles of the blood vessels. That way, the blood vessels will open wide and allow the blood to flow freely to the network of capillaries that deliver oxygen and nutrients to every cell and tissue; reaching not only the organs in the upper body but down up to the tips of arms and legs, including the nails.

The most common examples of nitrate-rich vegetables are arugula, beetroots, celery, cress, lettuce and spinach. At , readers can find an example of a nitric oxide supplement that contains a combination of nitrate-rich exotic organic herbs like ginseng, maca, tongkat ali, tongkat ali, tribulus terrestris and yohimbe. However, before taking this supplement or any kind of nitric oxide booster, it would be best to consult with your family doctor first.

Mushrooms For Health

From reducing stress to supporting the immune system, these magic mushrooms can truly support your health and beauty.

Tremella: The magic mushrooms for beauty

Tremella Fuciformis, also known as Silberohr and Snow Mushroom, has long been praised for its beauty-promoting and anti-aging properties – and has been used in Asian skincare for thousands of years.

According to several studies, the tremella mushroom has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and invigorating properties. But what makes it a real must-have skincare product is its ability to retain moisture levels in the skin. This means that it has an effect on the skin similar to that of hyaluronic acid.

Lion’s Mane: Mushroom for the head and mind

The edible lion’s mane mushroom gets its name because of its white, hair-like strands. It works as a natural nootropic and therefore has positive properties on your cognitive performance, almost like a brain doping agent.  This is one of the reasons why some people use magic mushrooms Canada in their chocolate protein mix. It is a clean, plant-based mix designed to increase your immune system and brain while minimizing inflammation.

Cordyceps: the mushroom for energy

Mushrooms for health and beautyTraditional Tibetan medicine healers have been using the Cordyceps mushroom for centuries to treat a variety of diseases, from the common cold to cancer! In fact, local shepherds first discovered the mushroom’s benefits when they realized that their animal herds grew stronger after consuming the mushroom.

Cordyceps is commonly known for improving athletic performance. Studies have shown that this fungus increases the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, our primary source of energy in the body, especially for muscles.

Chaga: The mushroom for immunity

Chaga mushrooms may look a little charred on the outside but on the inside? This is where its true magic is hidden. Chaga polysaccharides have “powerful antioxidant properties for scavenging free radicals.” This means that the fungus is effective in fighting harmful cells, chemicals, and pollutants.

Chaga mushroom also supports your immune system and makes it easier for your body to fight off infections, bacteria, and viruses.

Reishi: The mushroom for relaxation

The reishi mushroom is a powerful adaptogen. This means that it will help your body deal better with stress, be it emotional, physical, or ecological. Reishi mushrooms contain triterpenes, which are responsible for both the bitter taste and the calming properties.
