Tag Archives: food
Keeping A Healthy Diet As We Age
The body changes with age and thus dietary habits changes too. Here you will find practical tips on how to adapt your diet to the body’s changing needs in old age. You’ll see, it’s quite simple.
The body changes with age
Between the ages of 20 and 30, our body’s development is complete. As we age further and enter mid-life, our body ages too. As we progress in years, the more we notice the differences – performance decreases, and even the body composition changes. We notice this because muscle strength decreases, the bones become more fragile and vision also decreases. The rate and form of changes that come with age can be influenced in part by our diet and our personal lifestyle.
While there are many changes as the body age, there are still healthy supplements that can help us feel young and active. There are even supplements that can help burn body fat naturally to avoid any more exposure to synthetic components that may cause harm than good. LeanBean is among the best fat burners you can try. Visit leanbean before and after results.
Nutrition and calories
Despite a reduced energy requirement, the nutrient requirement remains the same in old age. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals must continue to be supplied in a constant quantity. The same applies to fiber. The need for protein can even increase as a result of illness or medication intake. Only the need for fat decreases in parallel with the energy requirement.
In addition to solid foods, the basis for a balanced diet is an adequate intake of fluids. Older people often drink too little, as the feeling of thirst decreases in old age. Therefore, you should be actively careful to drink enough. 1.5 liters a day, for example in the form of water or juice is a good amount.
The “5 per day” rule continues to apply in old age. These include two portions of fruit and three portions of vegetables that provide many nutrients and are low in calories.
These nutrients must be consciously taken into account in old age
Experience has shown that some nutrients are more likely to be deficient in older people. These include vitamin D, folic acid, and iodine.
Together with calcium and vitamin K, vitamin D plays a crucial role in bone building. The body’s ability to produce vitamin D using sunlight decreases with age. If the time spent in the sun is also reduced, a larger part of this vitamin must be absorbed through food. Foods such as liver, egg yolks, or fatty fish contain vitamin D. In some cases, it may be useful to use dietary supplements.
Important: With regard to dietary supplements in old age, always consult the doctor.
Making food an experience
Food only becomes a pleasure through the perception of our senses. Through seeing, smelling, and tasting, we perceive and evaluate our food. As a result of diseases in the eye, vision may decrease with age. In addition, the number of taste buds decreases, and the sense of smell weakens. As a result, older people often find food bland and unattractive.
That’s why it is necessary to make food an experience that you or your loved ones are looking forward to. For this purpose, you are welcome to use popular foods and fulfill special food wishes. Simply combine them with ingredients that you can use to compensate for missing nutrients. Take time to eat and create a pleasant atmosphere by covering the table beautifully. Putting all these together, eating becomes fun and a pleasant experience every time.